Weybridge Town Picnic Committee Meeting - May 23

Past event
May 23, 2018, 6 PM

The Weybridge Town Picnic Committee will hold our annual planning meeting on Wednesday, May 23rd at the Weybridge Town Office. The meeting will begin at 6pm and will be over by 7pm.

A number of the dedicated volunteers who make this event a success year after year will be out of town for the picnic this time around. WE COULD USE SOME NEW FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS TO HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING TASKS:

* Set up on Friday evening, 7/6 @ 6pm
* Set up on Saturday morning, 7/7 @ 10am
* Clean up on Saturday afternoon, 7/7 @ 1:30pm
* Running the charcoal grill
* Organizing children's games
* Face painting

If you can join us for the meeting, please do. If you can't make the meeting but would like to volunteer on July 6th and/or 7th, please call or email kirstenhendy@gmail.com, 802-349-7167.

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