Burlington College
Room 253
351 North Ave
Burlington, VT
Give Peace A Chance
As the military strategist Carl Von Clausewitz (1780-1831) offered, "War is merely the continuation of politics by other means." But other historians, philosophers and anthropologist have asserted that war is older than politics or the state. From the beginning of human history, humans have pursued power and domination over animals, women, men, and nature by any means including the most violent. In war's path all that makes life livable is destroyed: art, culture, civilization, nature and beauty.
Yet, war continues to stalk the planet, unabated from spears and sticks to atom bombs and drones. In the Wednesday series of talks, debates, films and discussions, The Institute for Civic Engagement examines war, its history, culture, and present form. The Institute will examine the age old query, is peace possible?
Lecture and presentation by Sandy Baird, attorney and Chair of the Legal and Justice Studies Department at Burlington College. This week’s offering is: Bullies, Borders and Boundaries: Domination By People, Domination By States.