"The Deer of North America" at Outdoor Gear Exchange

Past event
Feb 12, 2014, 7:30 to 9:30 PM

On Wednesday, February 12th The Willowell Foundation will be partnering with Outdoor Gear Exchange in Burlington to host an evening presentation of "The Deer of North America" by renowned tracker and habitat specialist Sue Morse of Keeping Track.

Learn fascinating information about whitetail deer, mule deer, moose, elk and caribou – including the latest research on rubs and scrapes. Travel with Susan Morse throughout the northeast, the Rocky Mountain west and arctic Canada as she films and hunts these magnificent animals.

“Sue Morse’s fascination with and knowledge about animal behavior is truly amazing. Her stunning photography is not to be missed.”
- Hal Blood, Master Maine Guide

When: Wednesday, February 12th
Doors at 7:30, show starts at 7:45

Where: Outdoor Gear Exchange, 37 Church Street, Burlington

Price: $10 suggested donation, $5 students and AmeriCorps

Run time: 1 1/2 hours

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