Guest Speaker on Funding Downtown Redevelopment to Visit Morrisville

Past event
Feb 6, 2014, 6 to 7:30 PM

Hey Folks,

MACC is sponsoring a big community meeting coming up Thursday night about downtown revitalization. Great speaker from Brattleboro coming up. Show them we care by attending. Details below....

Guest Speaker on Funding Downtown Redevelopment to Visit Morrisville

The Morrisville Alliance for Commerce and Culture (MACC) has announced the visit of Bob Stevens of Stevens & Associates to visit Morristown to discuss redevelopment of buildings when it doesn’t always make financial sense. The visit will be an open community meeting on February 6th at 6:00pm at the community meeting room at the town offices, Tegu Building and free for all to attend. Stevens will discuss the Brooks House renovation in Brattleboro that was possible due to a collaboration of community leaders and investors. He will present information about how to make such projects possible in communities like Morristown.

The complimentary presentation from Stevens & Associates will focus on how to finance a redevelopment project when it makes no economic sense on paper. The Brooks house was an iconic, beautiful building and a vital component to the downtown and developers knew its value was far beyond the price tag. Restoration was vital to the economic and cultural health of downtown Brattleboro. Stevens will share the complex combination of public funding, bank financing, and private investment and- most of all- community support that is required of funding a project like this.

Many downtowns across the state are facing development challenges like this one. Morrisville is one village that has proved resilient in facing that challenge. Please join MACC and your community to learn how we can apply what Stevens has learned about this restoration process through their experience in Brattleboro. The presentation will be about 1½ hours. MACC invites all to attend the event, which will be unique and informative.

For more information contact Caleb Magoon at

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