GKWC Annual Meeting & Social

Past event
May 24, 2018, 6:30 to 9:30 PM

The 54th Annual Meeting of the Greater Killington Women's Club is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 24th, 2018 at the Summit Lodge. The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm followed by a social outdoors (weather permitting). Please RVSP at Evite: http://evite.me/Bux78zpEFm or on the club's Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/188483085120134/

At the Annual Meeting, members will vote on award disbursements, elect club officers and update bylaws. Immediately following the meeting, members and guests are welcome to stay for an informal social by the Gazebo Pool. Refreshments will be provided and a cash bar is available. The Summit Lodge is also offering complimentary 2018 summer pool passes to all GKWC members who attend the Annual Meeting!

The club disbursements include two annual $1000 awards which are given to graduating high school seniors from the towns of Killington or Pittsfield. The first award is the Pat Zack Community Service Award for exceptional volunteerism within our local community. The second award is the Sherburne Academic Scholarship which is presented to the Woodstock Union High School senior who has demonstrated the highest weighted grade point average (GPA). The club will also decide at the annual meeting which local charitable, non-profit or educational organizations to award funds.

Potential new club members are also welcome to attend the annual meeting & social, meet current club members & officers, and learn more about the GKWC. If women in the community are interested in joining the club, a membership application can also be found on the website. To learn more, please go to www.swcvt.com or like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SherburneWomensClub/

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