Civil War Living History Weekend

Past event
May 19, 9:30 AM to May 20, 2018

Battle of Shelburne Crossroads, Civil War Reenacting and Living History Weekend – May 19th & 20th, 2018

A Civil War Encampment with Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery & more. The Civil War Weekend will include two days of battles; Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery demonstrations, as well as soldier and 19th-century Civilian camp life. Learn about Vermont's role in the Civil War, see Union and Confederate troops squaring off against each other using 1860's tactics, and talk with re-enactors about the life of a typical soldier. Experience the past through living history.

Camp opens to the public at 9:00 am Saturday & Sunday, with battles taking place at 2:00 pm on Saturday and at 1:00 pm Sunday. Period Church Service at 9:30 on Sunday with a period correct soldier burial service at 4:30 on Saturday. Period music throughout the afternoon on Saturday.

9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday and 9:00am to 2:30pm on Sunday, at the crossroads of Harbor and Bay Roads - Shelburne, VT. Actual address for GPS mapping is 2100 Harbor Road, Shelburne.

Sponsored by the Champlain Valley Historical Reenactors, Inc., (2nd Vermont Volunteer Infantry - Co. A, 2nd Mississippi (Magnolia Rifles), 1st Vermont Cavalry - Co. K, The Civil War Medical Coalition, Grays & Blues of Montreal, and the Green Mountain Citizens

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