Invasive Plant Workshop

Past event
May 16, 2018, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Dear residents of Jericho: are you able to recognize the so-called " Dirty Dozen" of Vermont's listed invasive plants?

They are listed here for your convenience and you can get more useful information by accessing You might also want to attend the upcoming workshop at the Jericho Town Library on Wednesday May 16th from 5:30 til 6:30 PM, cosponsored by the Jericho Conservation Commission. Tools and methodologies for combating these pests will be covered in detail.

Burning bush
Japanese barberry
Garlic mustard
Japanese knotweed
Honeysuckle - vine honeysuckle, shrub honeysuckle
Norway maple
Purple loosestrife
Reed canary grass
Wild chervil
Wild parsnip
Phragmites arundinacea, called common reed on the Vt Invasives web page

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