Join us, in collaboration with Building A Local Economy (BALE), for a film screening of the film Dancing with the Cannibal Giant: 5 New Stories for the Great Transition. This event is held at the SafeArt Visual Art Studio | 292 VT Rt 110 Chelsea, VT 05038 | in the Mascoma Bank Building, downstairs. It is free and open to all - donations will be accepted and shared between SafeArt & BALE.
This a documentary film for those of us who have an awareness of – and pain we feel for – a species gone awry. This is a hope-filled film… filled with the wisdom of people, mostly younger, who see the wounds and are still actively engaged in healing the planet in their own inspired way.
It is a regional film (the Northeastern US), as the filmmakers believe in the power of place and the distinct nature of place to evoke stories unique to that location… and meaningful to the people who are grounded in place and community.
Most of all, it is a film of stories… because stories are the entry point for changing the narrative by which we live. Welcome to five stories… among the thousands of inspiring stories… that are quietly, yet forcefully, emerging all around us.
In addition to screening this film, we will hold a short discussion program afterwards, in order to build a more engaged dialogue with the participants… hearing their stories and finding inspiration in the quiet revolution of the heart and soul, which is the place where profound change can occur.
The primary objective of the filmmakers is to build a strong base of leaders who understand – with head, heart and hands – the requirements of this transformative time. Building that base, especially with young leaders, is, we believe, a necessity of our species survival. Join us in this pursuit!!