Schedule of Events for May 19

Past event
May 19, 2018, 9 AM to 9 PM

Bethel will be the place to be on May 19th, with events for everyone!

Join the PTO at the Bethel school from 9-2:
Touch-a-Truck, Flea Market, Drive One for Your School, a garden sale, and more!

Join the Bethel Revitalization Initiative for beautification in the morning, and Mini Better Block following the PTO events.

9:00-11:00 AM Downtown Beautification Work Party
Help with raking, planting, painting and pocket park cleanup. Bring tools (labelled!), work clothes & gloves.
Meet at the Town Hall parking lot

2:00 - 7:00 PM Mini Better Block
Enjoy the best of Better Block, while checking out all the great projects and progress in downtown Bethel.
Meet at Babe's parking lot (formerly the Depot)

2:00-7:00 PM - Pop-up plaza with games, live music and fun in the parking lot at Babe's

2:00-5:00 PM - Business open house & scavenger hunt at downtown businesses. Check out Bethel's newest businesses and business owners, as well as old favorites!

3:30 PM - Celebration of the Art on the River public art projects. Meet and hear from the three artists and learn more about their work.

4:00 & 6:00 PM - Tours of the art projects and streetscape improvements.

5:00 PM - Tacos and BBQ!

7:00 PM Stories Of Bethel
Come hear stories of Bethel history and days gone by, from local Bethel storytellers.
At the Arnold Block, next to Cockadoodle

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