Calling all boys and girls! Cub Scout Pack 839 of Cambridge invites you and your family to our STEM event at the Cambridge Community Center.
We will be launching water BOTTLE ROCKETS! Please join us in an exciting display of SCIENCE! Bring an empty 2 litre bottle to build your own rocket that you will launch high into the sky. Kids and parents are encouraged to participate in building, decorating and LAUNCHING your bottle rocket!
Hot dogs and lemonade will be available as well as a BAKE SALE hosted by the Pack.
We will be having a court of honour and everyone will be in uniform to represent your local Cub Scout Pack! Come and participate in the tradition of Cub Scouting and experience the fun of teamwork and a wonderful family environment. Boys AND girls age 5-10, along with siblings of all ages, Moms, Dads, and all caretakers are WELCOME!
This will be a great opportunity to enquire about Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and find out how you and your children can BE PREPARED for life!
This is a FREE event! See you there!
For any questions, contact Cub Master Chris at