Crows and Ravens

Past event
May 10, 2018, 1:30 to 3 PM

Osher Lecture series presents CROWS and RAVENS by Bridget Butler AKA The Bird Diva on THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. at Catamount Arts on Eastern Ave. in St. Johnsbury.

They're considered harbingers of evil by some, and for others, an endless curiosity. Join Bridget Butler as she pulls back the shroud on these birds known as corvids. Find out how intelligent crows really are, the difference between crows and ravens, and their complex social structure. Learn how you can unravel the mystery of murders of crows that form in the winter by participating in the Crows in Vermont project.

Bridget Butler has been a teacher/naturalist for more than 20 years working throughout New England. You may hear her twice a year on VPR's Annual Bird Show with Jane Lindholm of Vermont Edition. As the Bird Diva, she feels it important that birders use their passion for birds to make a difference by helping to protect habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Join the St. Johnsbury Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of the university of Vermont to explore a variety of topics and issues. There is a series of eight lectures on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Catamount Arts each Spring and Fall.

Membership is $30. Non-members may attend any single session for $6.

This is the last Osher lecture for Spring 2018. We'll be back in the Fall 2018 with a whole new lecture series.
Have a wonderful Summer! See you in September!

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