Rural Zoning Public Hearing Aug. 19

Past event
Aug 19, 2013, 7 PM

The Selectboard will hold a public hearing on August 19 at 7pm at the Town Hall to receive feedback on the Rural Zoning proposal. This is a package of regulation and Town Plan changes that the Planning Commission worked on for over a decade, most intensively since 2008, pursuant to the vision and recommendations in Hinesburg's Comprehensive Plan (aka Town Plan). The proposal was forwarded to the Selectboard in January, and after 7 months and discussion at about 10 Selectboard meetings, the Selectboard is now ready for formal public hearings.

The Selectboard has made some revisions to the Planning Commission proposal, and may make additional changes based on their continued discussion and public feedback at the hearing. If they decide to move a proposal forward, they will have to hold a second public hearing prior to final action - possibly on September 9. If there is no action by September 12, the proposal will be deemed rejected, and returned to the Planning Commission for re-consideration.

You can read the proposal and peruse background information on the Town website at

Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning
Town of Hinesburg - Planning/Zoning page
802-482-2281 ext. 225
10632 Route 116
Hinesburg, VT 05461

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