Hancock Residents - Save the date!
Would you like more recreation opportunities in Hancock? Would you welcome more opportunities to get out and meet your neighbors? Do you have ideas for activities that would add to our quality of life? Are you looking for a way to be an active part of our community?
A group of residents is exploring the idea of starting a Hancock Recreation Committee that can help create opportunities for recreation in Hancock. We might fundraise for playground equipment or sports equipment, we might work with the Library to create programming (monthly story hours and STEM activities), we might organize holiday events or a community block party, we might create a community garden and host cooking classes...there are so many possibilities that could help bring our community together and get people out for affordable fun.
Please join us for a Community Potluck Breakfast & Visioning Meeting on Sunday May 20th from 8:30 am - 10:00 am at the Hancock Town Hall to talk about what you'd like to see for recreational opportunities and help us think about the next steps. We want kids ideas too so please bring your families.
Help us get as many people to the table as possible by encouraging other Hancock residents to attend.