Planet Cat

Past event
Apr 6, 2014

The Humane Society of Chittenden County is having a juried cat film festival called Planet Cat! We all know that internet cat videos are funny and we like to watch them at home and giggle to ourselves. Now you can watch them on the big screen (at Majestic 10) and you can submit your OWN video for a chance to win an aCATemy Award! They are accepting short videos in three CATegories: 6 second, 15-30 second, and 1-2 minutes. They will have live audience voting at the event and everyone will get to watch the top 20 videos in each CATegory – and then vote on the winners! They are also accepting cat memes and the winning meme will be put onto their PLANET CAT t-shirt to be sold at the event!

When is this amazingness happening, you ask? Sunday, April 6th from 10 am to noon at the Majestic 10 Theater in Williston. I strongly encourage all of you cat lovers to submit videos/memes and tell your friends! Submission is easy (and cheap!) and you just visit their website link to do it: They are accepting submissions until March 14th!

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