i-Strike Women's Self Defense Workshop

Past event
May 12, 2018, 1 to 5 PM

i-STRIKE stands for I am Self-confident, Tough, Resourceful, Intuitive, Kind and Extraordinary. i-STRIKE teaches simple effective techniques using the strongest parts of our bodies to the most vulnerable parts of the assailants and designed to be used by women of all ages & capabilities. In addition to learning effective physical techniques your voice will become louder and more affirmative in setting verbal and physical boundaries & you'll learn to trust your intuition. This course is team taught with a male black belt who wears a full-contact suit, so you have the opportunity to practice these scenarios more realistically and able to use the techniques taught full force. ABSOLUTELY NO Martial Arts Experience Necessary!! Safe for women of all ages. Please contact Master Kellie Thomas (5th degree black belt) of TaeKwon Do KICKS at tkdkicks101@yahoo.com or call 802-377-0476 for more information and sign up. Price for class - Mother's Day Special - $30 for one person or $50 for two. Preregistration is required.

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