Join Us May 8 and Share Your Ideas

Past event
May 8, 2018, 5:30 to 8 PM

Community Visioning Workshop – 113 Main at Missisquoi Overlook, Richford

The Richford Economic Advancement Corporation, REAC, is working with the Town of Richford and a local Steering Committee to engage the community in developing a vision and site plan for part of the Missisquoi Overlook Park brownfield site. The project will be used to select cleanup options by the VT Department of Environmental Conservation. This project is being funded by a Municipal Planning Grant worth $7,995 from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, which is matched with a Technical Assistance grant from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation in equal value, and with additional staffing support from the Northwest Regional Brownfields Program.

A Community Visioning Workshop is scheduled for May 8, 2018 beginning with a site visit at the Missisquoi Overlook Park at 5:30pm. Following the site visit, the workshop will take place at the Pinnacle Room on the 4th Floor of the Main Street Mill (at approximately 5:50pm). Community members will learn more about the project and have opportunity to give input on how to use and develop the REAC property to benefit the community and surrounding amenities. This input will be used to define a vision and develop a site plan for the property. Darlene Gregoire, President of REAC, says she is thrilled to be taking this important step towards completing the transformation of the 111, 113 Main Street brownfields property to the Missisquoi Overlook Park. The Northwest Regional Planning Commission and VHB will be facilitating the workshop. Refreshments will be provided.

The Missisquoi Overlook Park is at the confluence of several recreation related resources in Richford including the imminent extension of the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail to the center of the village, the Northern Forest Canoe Trail Portage, the Missisquoi River and the amenities in the Village Center. The Missisquoi Overlook is also next to a vacant Town owned 8-acre parcel which has been envisioned as a community park for decades. According to Greta Brunswick, Senior Planner at NRPC, in addition to defining a community supported use for the REAC brownfield property, this project provides an opportunity to envision how best to use this recreation junction for the benefit of the Richford community and local economy.

For more information, please contact Greta Brunswick at or at (802) 524-5958, or visit

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