Mayfest May 4-6

Past event
May 4 to 6, 2018

Come Downtown This Weekend!... Make sure to visit Downtown Montpelier on May 4th, 5th, and 6th for MayFest, the weekend where Montpelier comes alive! No matter your age or your interests, you'll be sure to find a great time!

Start your weekend with ArtWalk on Friday night, showcasing local artists at venues across town. Grab dinner at one of more than 20 restaurants in the Culinary Capital or get tickets to the Montpelier Rotary Club's Mud Season Charity Raffle and enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres with a chance to win $10,000!

Saturday morning gets off to a delicious start with the Kiwanis all-you-can eat pancake breakfast. The fun continues with the first outdoor Farmers Market on State Street, Green Up Day, the Onion River Outdoors Bike Swap, Three Penny Taproom's Montbeerlier party, and Cinco De Mayo at Julios.

Sunday brings the All Species Day parade and pageant on the State House lawn and the Capital City Classic Ultimate Frisbee Tournament at Montpelier High School.

Learn about ALL the weekend happenings at and mark your calendar for May 4th, 5th, and 6th in Downtown Montpelier!

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