Children's Room Annual Tag Sale

Past event
May 11, 2018, 9 AM to 6 PM

ANNUAL TAG SALE: Spring has arrived and so has our Annual Tag Sale!! This combination fundraising and community event is one our largest fundraisers of the year! It is a great way to clean out your closets of outgrown clothes, gently used children's items, and maternity wear to make room for the fantastic treasures you will find at the sale. Volunteer your time and get first dibs!

TAG SALE Details - Children's Room Annual Tag sale: Friday, May 11th, 9 to 6 p.m. & Saturday, May12th, 9 to noon at 56 South Main Street in Waterbury. We will have children's furniture, toys, books, baby equipment, infant and children's clothing, sports gear, maternity clothing, and more. All proceeds will help us continue to offer quality early education programming in our community.

TAG SALE DONATIONS: Donation Drop Off Schedule: Please read carefully as we have changed our procedures!

Thank you in advance for your kind donations. We couldn't hold this annual fundraiser without them. Due to space and time constraints, we have narrowed our window for drop off and limited our scope of accepted donations as follows:

When: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, May 7, 8, & 9.

7:30 am to 9 am AND 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Where: Wesley United Methodist Church, 56 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT

We will only be able to accept donations that follow these guidelines:

All items should be for ages under 8, (please no 8+ toys, books, games & puzzles) except for Maternity items.

All items should not have broken or missing parts and pieces

No Stuffed animals, dolls, or pillows

No Car seats, helmets, potties, or bathtubs

All books should either be for children under 8, or parenting books.

All clothes should be size zero to 8 or maternity apparel

All Donations are Tax deductible! All Items not sold will be donated to other non profit organizations after our sale.

VOLUNTEER: Anyone interested in volunteering to help sort and organize all our donations, please call 244-5605 or email to sign up. We have many slots available. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, May 8, 9 & 10_7:30 am to 9 am AND 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm VOLUNTEERS GET DIBS on purchases!! Click Here to sign up today! VOLUNTEER SIGN UP

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