Dear Friends: The Lowell Historical Society will be having a presentation on The Archaeological History of the Northeast Kingdom Wednesday May 23rd at 6:30 at the Lowell Graded School in Lowell.
The talk, with images, will be by Jess Robinson, Vermont State Archeologist.
In Vermont the record of paleo peoples goes back 13,000 years, after that are the Woodland period indigenous peoples, the Abenaki and others, who also left an archeological record which tells us about them.
What do we know about the native peoples who were in the Northeast Kingdom before the European settlers? Where were the routes these first pre European Vermonters took, where did they settle in the NEK, what do we know about these early years? What are the big unsolved questions? That will be the subject of this talk.
I hoe you find this deep history as interesting as I do!
Please forward to anyone you think might like to know.
Best and happy spring!
When: Wednesday May 23rd at 6:30
Where: Lowell Graded School, 52 Gelo Park Rd, Lowell, VT 05847. The school is a bit lass than one half a mile North of Routes 58 and 100.