Morristown has started preparations for Green Up Day on Saturday, May 5, and is looking forward to another successful year of strong participation from citizens and businesses, and much appreciated support from the Morristown Highway Department. Last year, its citizen crews beautified the roads in record time, stacking trash full green bags along the edge of the dirt roads and paved highways. It was not uncommon to see tires, mattresses, broken furniture, and other odds and ends piled with the green bags- the results of thoughtless people dumping their unwanted stuff into the roadside brush, usually in the dark of night. If you spot a heavily trashed area that is too large or cumbersome for easily handling, report it to folks at the Green Up Dumpster in town and help will be provided.
Again, Green Up bags can be picked up at the Morristown Town Clerk's office and people can sign-up for the portion of roads that they wish to green up. A map showing all town roads is located on the table. By self-assigning roads and marking the maps, duplication will be avoided while covering all roads; same drill as last year.
Remember Safety First! Watch out for traffic and broken glass. Wear gloves! Use black bags if you run out of green bags. Either leave bags on the untraveled edge of the road or bring them to the dumpster located in Municipal parking lot in the center of town.
A couple of new things this year: the Morristown Soccer Club is conducting a bottle drive as a fundraiser for the boys Euro-trip on Green Up Day. Returnable bottles can be dropped off at the Green Up site dumpster in the Municipal parking lot behind the Post Office across from River Arts. Funds raised will go to the Soccer Club, so plan on getting rid of the winter's accumulation of returnable's and use this convenient spot to leave your bottles and green bags. One stop shopping!
Also new at the site is a chance to get rid of unwanted tires at a very reasonable price:
sizes up to 16" for $3 per tire, 17" to 24" for $4 per tire. Cash or checks accepted.
Refreshments will be available compliments of Hannafords, Price Chopper and Dunkin Donuts. Green Up Morristown is spearheaded by the Morristown Conservation Commission. Launched in 1970, it is important to keep this 48 consecutive year statewide tradition going.
Contact: Brent Teillon - Morristown Conservation Commission