Montpelier Kiwanis Club All You Can Eat Breakfast

Past event
May 5, 2018, 7 to 11 AM

The Montpelier Kiwanis Club invites the public to their Annual ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST on Saturday, May 5 from 7 to 11am at the Boutwell Masonic Center at 288 Gallison Hill Road, Montpelier. Tickets are $8 adults and $4 for children under 12. This breakfast includes French toast, pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee milk and Vermont maple syrup.

The proceeds from this breakfast helps to send 32 central Vermont children to local summer camps: EarthWalk, T.W. Wood Art Camp, Camp Daybreak, Trout Unlimited, Lotus Lake, Community Connections, Vermont Mountaineers and Central Vermont Humane Society. In September the campers and their families are invited to The Steak House for a dinner and magic show and chance to share camp experiences with the Kiwanis Club.

For questions about the breakfast please call Jim Mullally at 249-9724.

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