Planning Council Meeting May 1

Past event
May 1, 2018, 6 to 8 PM

Tuesday 1 May 2018 at 6:00 P.M.
Morristown Municipal Offices, 43 Portland Street
The Tegu Building's Community Meeting Room

1. Discuss: Route 100 solar farm by East Light Partners

2. Discuss: Verizon cell tower at Copley Country Club

3. Discuss: Selectboard meeting about business equipment tax

4. Discuss: Low Density Residential Zone for Jersey Heights?

5. Discuss: Requested setbacks in the Airport Business Zone

6. Discuss: Merging of Airport Business and Industrial Zones

7. Discuss: Special Tax Exemption 32 VSA §3836 (Paul)

8. Approve: Prior Council meeting minutes

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