Green Up Day

Past event
May 5, 2018, 9 AM to 6 PM

The Duxbury Land Trust is coordinating Green Up Day for Duxbury on Saturday, May 5. Volunteers are needed for all roads, except Route 100, which is covered by the Agency of Transportation.

Bags are available at the Town Clerk's office. South Duxbury residents may also pick up their bags at the home of Carmel Kelley, 648 VT Route 100, a white house just past Harwood Union H.S. going north. They are in a garden bin on the front porch. In North Duxbury, residents can obtain bags from Jen Dean's front porch, 134 Camel's Hump Road.

Only road-side trash is acceptable, no hazardous materials, appliances or electronics. Please bring tires only found along roadsides, not personal tires. If you come across drug paraphernalia, don't pick it up. Report the location to me.

Leave filled bags at the town garage or pull-off in front of the railroad gate past the GMP dam left on River Rd. There is no South Duxbury drop-off this year. South Duxbury residents, please bring your bags to the town garage.

Wear brightly colored clothes, boots, gloves, and sunscreen. Be tick smart! Wear long pants, avoid tall grass, wear bug repellent and check for ticks when you arrive home.

It was announced at Town Meeting that there is a particular need for clean-up on Stevens Brook Road. Are there some Stevens Brook residents willing to organize a clean-up? Need help? Please let me know. Anyone willing to organize clean-up on other roads?

It is very helpful in planning to let others know where you will be working. Please respond to this posting to let us know which section of your road you will cover. Any questions? or 244-7512.

Hope to see you greening up!


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