Sponsored by the Northeastern Mountain Society
of Clinical Hypnosis - No Clinical Hypnosis Training Required to Attend
6.5 CEUs for LCMHC, Psychologists, and Social Workers Pending
Beyond Calming Down: Experiential Strategies for Managing Anxiety
Hampton Inn, Colchester, VT
- Create strategic interventions that move beyond the common emphasis on "relaxation" and "calming down," focus on how to identify therapeutic targets and create new frames that move people out of the "content trap" of the anxiety disorder.
- Learn to interrupt anxiety's predictable cognitive, behavioral, and physiological patterns.
- Participants will learn how to design interventions that hypnotically and experientially move clients toward uncertainty, address the use of safety crutches and avoidance, and promote the skills of differentiation and problem solving that combat the global avoidance style of anxious children and adults.
-- Anxiety's connection to the development of depression, insomnia, and somatic issues will also be addressed.
No hypnosis training required
For Info and Registration: www.nmsch.org
Maureen Turner
Secretary and Treasurer, NMSCH
83 N. Willard St., Burlington, VT