Seeking people to tell personal stories about their experiences or memories of St. Albans Bay.
When: June 10, 2018 from 2pm to 5pm
Where: Kamp Kilkare State Park
What: Storytelling event about St. Albans Bay.
This storytelling event is intended to co-create a collective narrative about St. Albans Bay and our human experience in this watershed. The event aims to highlight the impact our relationships this environment has had, and continues to have, on our collective spirit and wellbeing.
The stories will be part of multiple intertwined projects that will continue throughout the next few years. These projects include a story archive at the St. Albans Museum in collaboration with the St. Albans Messenger, and a larger wellbeing project focused on St. Albans Bay through an EPA grant to UVM's Rubenstein School. Stories and the storytelling event will be video recorded for use in a multimedia project and data from the stories could be used for research.
Stories must be from personal experiences or your own cultural/ancestral past. Multiple perspectives invited for this event, inclusive of race, gender, cultural, generations, and experiences.
Storytellers should be willing to work within the following framework:
• There will be a time limit for each story.
• Your story should be true and about your own personal experience(s).
• Your story could be from your own contemporary history or your family's oral history.
• Practicing your story before the event is highly recommended.
• Props for your story are encouraged, but not necessary.
• Storytellers must be willing to sign a release.
• Storytellers are invited to a storytelling workshop at the Saint Albans Museum (host: Alex Lehning; May 16th from 6pm to 8pm).
This is a helpful link of tips and tricks about storytelling from "The Moth"
Following the storytelling event, more intimate story sharing opportunities will be supported.
Please contact Denise Smith at 802-355-0694 or by email by May 1st if you are interested in telling a story at this event.