Walk/Run for Sensory Street

Past event
May 6, 2018, 10 AM to 12:30 PM

Please join us for the first annual 5K Walk/Run celebrating and supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders! All Proceeds will be donated to The Sensory Street sensory exploration space located at the Lamoille County Mental Health Services building located across from Copley Hospital. Many people with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorders and Trauma related disorders struggle with sensory needs and issues which can in turn, affect behavior. Our goal is to create a multi-sensory space to help those who need it to relax, explore and feel more comfortable with their environment.

This project is a collaboration between parents and families advocating for Autism supports and services in Lamoille County and Lamoille County Mental Health Services.
Location: Community Bike Path located at Top Notch Resort in Stowe, VT, (lower Lot).
4000 Mountain Rd
Stowe, VT US 05672


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