"Socrates Cafe & Celebration of Harwood's Link to the Global Community"
For the past year, Harwood Union High School has reached out beyond their borders into the community through collaboration with the Joslin Memorial Library and the Waterbury Public Library in hosting Socrates Cafes in public spaces.
This spring Harwood and the libraries will present an expanded version of this on Thursday, April 26th from 5-7:15 in the Harwood Library:
"A Celebration of Harwood's Link to the Global Community" will feature a Gallery Walk followed by a Community Socrates Café featuring the question "What is Gained and What is Lost when We Move?"
The evening begins with the Gallery Walk at 5 O'Clock showcasing the work of students engaged in international service, relief work, refugee resettlement efforts, as well as Harwood's international students. The Peace Alliance and the International Relief Club will showcase their projects and initiatives, Harwood's international students will fielding questions regarding their experiences living in rural Vermont, Chris Urban's "Golden Cage" photography exhibit and the work of Global Studies students will be on display, and there will be interactive activities for all participants to investigate the myriad of ways in which our school and community are linked to the greater world.
Following the Gallery Walk at 6 pm, the Socrates Café will commence. Socrates Cafes, first coined by author and presenter, Christopher Phillips, are timeless and timely questions designed to focus on "questioning" rather than "knowing." The question to be mined for the evening is "What is Gained and What is Lost When We Move?" The Café will begin with everyone present and then break into small groups to discuss and dialogue, then reconvene as a group at 7 O'Clock to debrief. Harwood students experienced in facilitating dialogue will lead the small groups. Students from Noble Academy in Chicago will also be participating.
All members of the community are welcome. You don't have to be a certain age, have international experience or be a philosopher to attend. An open mind and a questioning heart are sufficient. Come support the work of Harwood students who are working with care and compassion for the benefit of our global community.
Refreshments featuring local Vermont products and international fare will be served.
This event is co-sponsored by the Harwood Library, the Joslin Memorial Library and the Waterbury Public Library. For more information contact: Katherine Cadwell, HUHS at , Joy Worland, Joslin Memorial Library at or Judi Byron, Waterbury Public Library at
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