Parent Workshop on Friday: Healthy, Natural Risk-Taking

Past event
Apr 13, 2018, 6 to 8 PM

Risk-taking does not have to mean breaking rules, partying, and driving fast. Parents, please join us for this empowering workshop! With guidance from Misha Golfman, founder of Kroka Expeditions (, we will explore the possibilities that lie in allowing our children to take healthy, natural risks — and in allowing ourselves to take risks as parents. We will work on ways to build family habits that foster in young adults healthy empowerment, connection, and a willpower for engaging with the world. We will explore parenting styles and introduce practical ideas for home design, family habits and systems, schooling, social life, and community engagement for social and environmental change.

This free workshop will be held this Friday, April 13 at the Lake Champlain Waldorf School, High School Campus, 122 Bostwick Road, Shelburne, VT. You can find more information at Email with questions or to save a spot.

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