Saturday Yoga Dance!

Past event
Apr 7, 2018, 10:30 to 11:30 PM

Start your weekend off right with an hour of joyful movement honoring the transition into spring!
New weekend class! Let Your Yoga Dance, Saturday April 7 at 10:30am; Valley Glow in Waitsfield.
LYYD gets your body moving, your heart pumping, and your soul smiling. It is funky and fun, sometimes filled with wild abandon, sometimes quiet and still.
LYYD combines yoga and dance moves with fun music for a unique and energizing practice. No experience in dance and/or yoga? No Worries! Movements are simple enough for a beginner but fun enough for a more experienced practitioner.

Let Your Yoga Dance will be held at Valley Glow Yoga, 5197 Main Street, Waitsfield. $15
For more info: 802-793-6821
I look forward to dancing with your soon!

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