The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is hosting a meeting to provide an opportunity for public input on the draft long-range management plan for Mt. Philo State Park.
The meeting will be held on Thursday April 19, 2018 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Charlotte Central School on Hinesburg Road in Charlotte, Vermont.
The format for this meeting will be an open house. At 6:00 pm, participants will have the opportunity to review the draft plan, view maps, discuss goals and strategies with staff from the departments of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Fish and Wildlife, and provide written comments. At 7:00 pm there will be a brief presentation providing a planning overview, highlighting portions of the plan and outlining next steps. Following the presentation, participants can continue to meet with Agency staff and provide comment.
Visitors are welcome to arrive and depart at any time during the two-hour meeting.
Drafted and reassessed periodically with collaboration among agency experts and public input, long-range management plans for ANR lands represent an important framework for providing responsible stewardship of public land. The Mt. Philo plan sets a long-term outline for management, but also takes into account the nature of this unique state park and incorporates some short-term considerations not typically included in other plans. Careful stewardship of Mt. Philo State Park supports a healthy forest that provides for a range of high-quality recreational activities, especially hiking; supports functioning natural communities; and strives for a careful balance and integration of public uses.
Written comments may also be submitted online or through the mail to the following address until close of business on June 1, 2018: or Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation, 271 North Main Street, Suite 215, Rutland, VT 05701.
The Mt. Philo State Park draft LRMP and a FAQ document created to answer common questions about the draft plan can be viewed at:
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