April 15: Tax Freedom Day, Who Should Pay Workshop

Past event
Apr 15, 2018, 10 AM to 4 PM

WHAT A RELIEF! Nearly unbelievable, but true!

For the last 15 years, more and more Americans have been recovering amounts improperly withheld from them under the mistaken assumption that the activities that produced them are subject to the income tax. This includes normal federal income tax amounts, FICA taxes and state income taxes, as well. Billions of dollars have been refunded to tens of thousands of people. Others, not subjected to withholding, keep all of their money in their pockets from the get-go.

These remarkable things take place because those tens of thousands have learned the liberating truth about the true legal nature of the income tax. Your grandparents or great grandparents knew this truth, but during the decade leading up to America's entry into World War II, most Americans were successfully taken in by a sophisticated disinformation campaign meant to secure financing for the Leviathan state that was already a bright gleam in the eyes of certain people with their hands on the levers of power.

In this workshop Pete Hendrickson, author of "Cracking The Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America" and webmaster of LostHorizons.com, will tell the history of manipulation of public perception of the excise tax on federally privileged income (usually thought of as the federal tax on all earnings), making it clear who owes the tax and why that's probably not you!

If you've already reported your 2017 earnings as federal income, at this seminar you can find out if you should amend your return. If you haven't reported yet, come find out whether you should file a 6-month extension on Tuesday the 17 (the deadline this year) to give yourself time for further research and preparation, or whether you need to file at all. This seminar will be especially valuable for private business owners who are mistakenly reporting to state and federal governments that their own profits and/or their workers' nontaxable earnings are federally-privileged taxable income.

Gourmet organic lunch is included in your ticket price. Event will be held at Lotus Mountain Retreat (former Black Bear Inn), in the Bolton Valley Community. Go to Eventbrite.com for tickets, or call dahVeed at 802-434-6500.

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