Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action Training

Past event
Apr 14, 2018, 1 to 4 PM

The Vermont Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival (VT PPC: NCMR) is hosting an important Non-violent moral fusion direct action training Saturday, April 14th, from 1 - 4PM in Burlington. The exact location is still being determined and will be posted here early next week.

We are a little over a month away from the launch of our 40 days of non-violent civil disobedience (May 14th - June 23rd), and in order to act in unison and solidarity, with thousands of others across the nation, we must all go through a formal training for non-violent action. Join us, next Saturday afternoon, April 14th, 1 - 4PM, in Burlington (exact location, TBD), for a nation-wide simultaneous training, from our local chapter leaders.

We will learn the critical skills we need for our 40 days of action in the state's capitol. We will be training in conjunction with others around the country, and in so-doing, we will also join a national video call, during the training to her from one another across the country.

See our website for the posting (, and stay tuned for the location announcement.

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