Emerald Ash Borer Meeting

Past event
Apr 10, 2018

Calling all loggers, hunters, hikers, birders, Green-Up ers, mountain bikers, firewood cutters, firewood burners, woods-walkers, ... all Vermonters!

There will be a meeting at The Corinth Town Hall on Tuesday, April 10th, at 7 pm to provide information about this insect, which was recently discovered in the Town of Orange and at least three other towns.

At present, this destructive beetle cannot be stopped, but efforts to slow its spread can make a big difference and may give researchers time to figure out how to control it.

At our April 10th meeting, we hope to be able to develop a strategy and to enlist volunteers to search for this pest throughout our region.

If you have questions, call Virginia Barlow at 439 5652 or email ginny@redstartconsulting.com

http://vtinvasives.org has more information about the emerald ash borer.

Virginia Barlow
211 Joe Lord Road
Corinth, VT 05039
802 439 5652

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