Awakening, a dance performance by Manhong Kang and Min Seok Park, Sunday, April 1,
7:30 - 8:30 pm in the Haybarn Theatre. Free.
It is to be very watchful of your body, internally and externally. Slowly one becomes aware of each movement, each breath, each dance. And as you become aware, a miracle starts happening - many things that you did before, simply disappear. A subtle music pulses in each of your cells, and then this pulsation moves through your whole body. As you further awaken, just allow that and dancing spontaneously, not doing, not making, just allow and be there, in that moment. The spirituality borrow your body, and then your spirit will dance, just like a wind coming in-to hollow bamboo; then the bamboo becomes the instrument with-your spirit blooming. Each moment will be created with that awakening. Then the divine quality enters you. And you awaken to your fullest potential.
Manhong will also give a workshop on Wednesday, April 4th, from 4:30-6:00 on Movement and Breathing for Performers, Dancers, and Artists.