Better Not Bigger Webinar

Past event
Apr 5, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

Do you believe that growth in the size of your community leads to a better life for you, your family and your community? Do you believe that adding 70,000 more people to Vermont's population as Governor Scott has proposed will make for a better Vermont? Politicians and developers would have you believe that more housing and subsidizing business expansion is always a good thing, but is it really? They often make the case that such growth will lead to a reduction in taxes, but that is almost never the case.

Eben Fodor, a leading researcher and author on the impacts of urban growth and land development, has found that the opposite effect is much more likely. Having researched these effects for decades, he has found that growth in communities consistently results in a higher tax burden and other negative effects. Fodor will present some highlights of his work at a free webinar at UVM's Davis Center, Room 419, on Thursday, April 5th at 7:00 pm. This event is sponsored by Better(notbigger)Vermont, Vermonters for a New Economy, Responsible Growth Hinesburg, and Transition Town Charlotte.

For central Vermonters we will be car pooling from the Montpelier park and ride near I89 leaving at 5:15. If interested contact George Plumb at

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