April Fool's Day Clown Soiree - Two Shows

Past event
Apr 1, 2018, 3 to 8:30 PM

April Fool's Day Clown Soiree - Sunday, April 1st - Two Shows: 3pm & 7pm

Come Celebrate April Fool's Day with the Clowns!

Featuring: The Professor, Mimi Violet, Zsah Zsah, Dr. Harriet, Ursula, Barclay, Pistachio, Crumbun, Clarence Plockett, Editha Wackebergerer, The Duchess Donna Euphany LeBlanc, Sparky Stelladoro, Captain Sargeant Sunny O'Rourke, Blueberry Sweetheart, Nasturtium Winglespin, and Rhythmic Pulse.

The Art of Clown only exists with an audience. Students from nettie lane's clown classes have been working in the studio, developing their clown forms and creating material. On our favorite day of the year, we will birth these pieces in front of an audience - You!

nettie's approach to this theatrical clowning process is from the lineage of Jacques LeCoq and influenced by her mentor and colleague, Giovanni Fusetti. She has midwifed over 150 clowns and firmly believes in the power and humanity of the Sacred Fool as a way of excavating inner wisdom.

The Clown Soiree will be held at:
Mutsu Crispin Studio #A334, 3rd floor of The Cotton Mill (look for the red octopus above the door) - 74 Cotton Mill Hill, Brattleboro, VT
Suggested donation $10 - $20


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