Preview of January 27 City Council Meeting

Past event
Jan 27, 2014, 7 to 10 PM

Dear Neighbors,

The City Council will convene its third of three regular meetings for the month of January this coming Monday.

We will convene our meeting at 7pm in Contois Auditorium in City Hall. We will begin our meeting with four public hearings on proposed ballot items. The ballot items are on redistricting and three ballot questions on proposed charter changes on gun control. We will have one additional hearing on the Climate Action Plan.

If you wish to speak to any of the ballot items or public hearing items, please come to the Council meeting for 7pm.

Following these public hearings, we will then have a communication from the Mayor on the Waterfront TIF ballot question.

Our next item is a resolution regarding an increase in the maximum tax rate for General City purposes. The increase in the tax rate will be 2.79% for in the General City rate. Combined with several other smaller tax increases, the total request will be 4.86% or 3.69 cents for every $100 of assessed property value.

We will then hear a presentation from Burlington City Arts and Parks and Recreation on City Hall Park regarding their Master Plan. We will be voting on a resolution authorizing the City to continue with the Master Planning process.

Our last resolution will be to develop a Strategic Plan to further the Fiscal Health of the City. This resolution will begin a process that will produce a three year strategic plan and in turn, give the Council and the Administration a road map for doing financial projections so we can make more informed financial decisions.

We will then have council committee reports, comments from councilors and the Mayor. Please keep in mind that you are welcome to come to a council meeting and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm.

Our last agenda item will be an Executive Session on Burlington Telecom.

Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website:[...]n-/
Please keep in mind that at all Council meetings are televised live on Channel 317 on Burlington Telecom.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. Please email or give me a call over the weekend or on Monday.

All my best,

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