The Mount Mansfield Union High School Theatre Department presents "LUCKY STIFF," the hilarious musical farce about mystery, mayhem, mutts, Monte Carlo and...Murder. A down on his luck shoe salesman comes into an inheritance, but the terms of the will require him to take his dead Uncle on a trip to Monte Carlo. Will he be able to pass off his dead Uncle as alive and claim the cash without a hitch? What fun would that be?
Performances are Friday and Saturday April 6th and 7th at 7:30 and Sunday April 8th at 2:00.
Tickets are $7. for Students & Children and $9. for General Admission. Tickets can be ordered in advance using the following on-line ticket form, or purchased at the door.
Dec 29, 2024, 10:15 to 11:15 AM
Join the Alzheimer's Advocacy Virtual Celebration!Jan 3, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Mansfield Backcountry Alliance Season Kick Off PartyJan 3, 2025, 6 PM