Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Mar 27, 2018, 7 to 9:30 PM

Town of Fair Haven
Selectboard, Water & Sewer Commissioners,
Liquor Commissioners, Cemetery Commissioners
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order - 7:00 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance - 7:01 pm
3. Amendments to the Agenda - 7:02 pm
4. Approval of Minutes of August 29, 2017 - 7:03 pm
5. Five Minutes for Public Comment - 7:05 pm
6. Letters & Communication - 7:15 pm
7. Department Head Reports - 7:25 pm
8. Town Manager Report - 7:35 pm
9. New Business - 7:40 pm
a. June Wilcha – Discussion about water pipe repair
b. Bonnie Rosati – Green Up discussion
c. Fred Capron – Fair Haven Concerts in the Part
d. USDA Revolving Loan Grant
10. Continuation of Board Reorganization
i. Cemetery Committee
ii. Energy Committee
iii. Fence Viewer
iv. Planning Commission
v. Pound Keeper
vi. Alternate to Rutland Regional Planning Commission
vii. Representative to the Rutland Transportation Council
viii. SWAC Representative
ix. Tree Warden
x. Zoning Administrator
xi. Zoning Board of Adjustment appointments
11. Action Items - 7:50 pm
a. Liquor License Renewal
b. Updating the VT Water Systems Officials Contact Form
12. Old Business - 8:00 pm
13. Board Roundtable - 8:15 pm
14. Review of Financial Reports - 8:30 pm
a. Expenditure / Revenue Reports
b. Checkbook Status
15. Executive Session - 8:45 pm – Correspondence with Lawyer
16. Adjourn - 9:15 pm

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

Board of Selectmen - April 10th at 7pm

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