The Sharon Academy (TSA) Middle School Circus is back for another two performances filled with family-friendly, rollicking good fun! For the twelfth consecutive year, TSA middle school students will be performing their hilarious, student-created circus that consistently draws huge crowds. The shows are once again under the direction of Troy Wunderle, Big Top Tour Artistic Director of Circus Smirkus. Come early to experience the pre-circus carnival – a wonderful collection of student-run games and activities for children.
Both performances will be held at The Sharon Academy High School on Route 14 in Sharon:
· Friday, March 30th, Carnival starts at 6:00 pm, Circus starts at 7:00 pm.
· Saturday, March 31st, Carnival starts at 3:00 pm, Circus starts at 4:00.
$3 admission. Light refreshments will be available for purchase. Fun for the whole family.