Free Fresh Food at Grace Cottage

Past event
Mar 22, 2018, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Why not take advantage of this awesome offering? Grace Cottage Hospital hosts the Vermont Foodbanks' VeggieVanGo free food distribution program the fourth Thursday of every month, 11:30-12:30, for those who have a hard time affording fresh produce. Food items available may include squash, potatoes, carrots, kale, yogurt, and more. Pallets of fresh and frozen food will be unloaded in front of the ambulance garage behind Grace Cottage Hospital, 185 Grafton Road, Townshend. Participants are asked to take only what they need for their own household and to bring reusable shopping bags or a cardboard box as plastic bags may not be available. No proof of need required. For more information, call 802-365-9109.

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