Washington County Mental Health (WCMHS) is a leader in providing compassionate, quality, trauma-informed services to our communities. Come meet who we are, learn about our programs and services and discover how we can work together to continue making a difference for the better.
Program information, on-site interviews for open positions and refreshments will be available.
Please stop by anytime between 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Open to the public
For more information call: (802) 229-1399 or visit www.wcmhs.org or look for us on Facebook!
Jan 25, 2025, 1 to 4 PM
Hadestown: Teen Edition at U-32 High SchoolJan 25, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Coffee & Chat with Rep. Dara TorreJan 27, 2025, 8 to 9 AM