Support the Varnum Memorial Library

Past event
Mar 15, 2018

Mar 15, 2018, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Do you have 2 hours a month to spare for a great opportunity?

We need you!

The Crescendo Club Library Association is seeking community members who are interested in helping our library anticipate and meet the needs of all we serve and to promote life-long learning for everyone.

Please let us know if you would like to be an active supporter and member of an organization that has worked hard to help our community for almost 120 years. We meet on the third Thursday of every month from 7:00pm 8:00pm at the Varnum Memorial Library, 194 Main Street in Jeffersonville, 644-2117,

EVEN if you have a conflict with some of the 3rd thursday of the month meetings; (or 7-8pm too late for you) you can still be an active member in other ways by being involved in our programs committee, lawn mowing, baking or providing snacks for some events, help distribute flyers, help with publicity, fundraisers; we have a list! :>)

CCLA President

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