George Lakey Talk: What Can We Learn from the Nordics?

Past event
Mar 16, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

All are invited to a talk by George Lakey: "A Divided America: What Can We Learn from the Nordics?"

George Lakey contends that "Polarization may be as much an opportunity as it is dismaying."

The lifetime activist, sociologist, professor, and author of nine books will present his research at a talk on Friday, March 16, 7:00 pm, at the First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington.

Sweden's and Norway's highly successful movements for economic democracy came out of a deep polarization that existed in these countries during the 1920s and 1930s.

Scandinavian countries have now out-performed the Anglo-American model for half a century, including the virtual abolition of poverty, more equality and individual freedom, more economic innovation including start-ups, and an acceleration of climate justice.

George Lakey is an activist, sociologist and author who recently retired as professor at Swarthmore College. He has lived and worked in Norway and in 2017 was the keynote speaker at a conference of 300 Nordic economists. He has led over 1,500 social-change workshops on five continents and has led projects on local, national, and international levels.

George Lakey's recent book, "Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got It Right and How We Can Too" (Melville House, N.Y. and London, 2017), will be sold at the talk by Phoenix Books.

You are welcome to join us, to hear more about the Nordic message that can inform our own social and political debate.

This event is free. Donations are accepted at the door.

Childcare is available. Parents planning to bring children must register for childcare by e-mailing Ruah Swennerfelt no later than March 5th, giving the number of children and their ages.

Sponsored by:
Transition Town Charlotte, VT (

Co-sponsors: Vermont Interfaith Power & Light, Peace & Justice Center, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, Transition Town Jericho, Burlington Friends Meeting (Quakers), Vermonters for a New Economy, 350 Vermont, and Transition Town Williston.

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