Selectboard Meeting Agenda - January 27, 2014

Past event
Jan 27, 2014, 7:30 to 9:30 PM

1. Call to Order 7:00PM

2. Non Agenda Items 7:00PM

3. Discuss Vermont Natural Gas Pipeline Through Geprags Park 7:00PM

4. Consider Setting the Town Meeting Warning for Town Meeting on March 3, 2014 8:00PM

5. Consider Signing Grant Agreement with the State of Vermont for the Proposed 8:15PM
Sidewalk along Rte 116 between Charlotte Road to Hinesburg Community School

6. Discuss Town Administrator’s Job Description 8:30PM

7. Town Administrator Report 8:45PM

8. Selectboard Forum 8:50PM

9. Consider Approving Warrants 8:45PM

10. Consider Approving Minutes 8:50PM

11. Consider Entering Executive Session to Discuss Proposed Agreement Between 9:00PM
Vermont Gas Systems and the Town of Hinesburg for Easement in Geprags Park

Discuss Proposed Sale of Lot 31 to Creekside Neighbors

12. Adjourn 9:15PM

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Contact the Town Administrator if you have any further questions:; or 482-2281x221

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