The Green Mountain Derby Dames, Vermont's first and largest women's flat-track roller derby league, kicks off it's 2014 season with a double header at home!
Doors open at 4pm with games at 4:30 and 7pm. 1 ticket gets you in to both games! Come for one or be a super fan and stay for both. Get your pre-sale tickets here for a discount:
Bout 1 @ 4:30pm
GMDD's Black Ice Brawlers (B Team) vs. Monadnock Roller Derby (Monadnock, NH)
Bout 2 @ 7pm
GMDD's Grade A Fancy (A Team) vs. Granite State Legislashers (Concord, NH)
Don't forget to bring a bit of extra cash to get your hands on some new GMDD merch and grab a beer in our enormous beer garden.
Come on out for a good time and support VT Roller Derby. We'll see you track side!
Mar 2, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
CVQG - March 4 Quilt Guild Meeting & WorkshopsMar 4, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
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