Hello, The Huntington School board wishes to thank everyone who voted, participated and volunteered on Town Meeting Day. So lucky to live in this town! On the school side, we are especially grateful to this supportive community for passing the school budget. Carrie Wyatt was elected to 2-year term, and I was re-elected to a 3-year term. Gail Conley received 151 write-in votes for the MMU/CESU school board position and the merger vote failed for the fourth time: 204 - yes, 306 - no, 42 - blank
Thanks to MMCTV you can watch the school portion of Town Meeting Day at https://vimeo.com/258999444
Without missing a beat, we have a new board meeting on Tuesday evening, 6:30 in the school library. You can see the agenda below, and the links in the agenda can be found at https://www.cesuvt.org/school-board/huntingtonboard. As always - we'd love to hear from you during community comments. At the very least, come watch!
enjoy the snow!
ps. In the event the predicted snowstorm forces us to cancel our meeting, I will post an update. Feel free to contact me directly if you are unaware if the meeting is cancelled. Thank you!
March 13, 2018
6:30 pm
Meeting to be held at Brewster-Pierce Memorial School
1. a) Oath of Office given to recently elected school directors
b) Election of officers and committee assignments
2. Public Comment
Comments from the community
3. Old/New Business
Annual Meeting review/follow up
Merger article results and possible meeting with AOE
Creating a baffle to reduce noise from ventilation system in gym
Update school board work calendar
4. Consent Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes (Link to 2/27/18 meeting minutes)
Link to Principal's Report
Link to Superintendent's Report
Committee Reports (minutes below)
5. Approve monthly warrants.
6. Other Business
7. Plan Next Meeting Agenda
Set date and time for next meeting
Future agenda items
8. Executive Session: Title 1, Sec 313(a)3,1 Personnel/Negotiations (if needed)
Jan 26, 2025, 1:30 to 2:30 PM
Coffee & Chat with Rep. Dara TorreJan 27, 2025, 8 to 9 AM
Drink N' Doodle with Riot Craft StudioJan 29, 2025, 5:30 to 7:30 PM