We live in a time when sometimes it feels like all hope is lost. Where can we find hope? On Sunday March 11th, Bryan Fitzgerald will explore how his relationship with the word of God continues to give him hope. Bryan, a father and a husband was called to the northeast to teach the Bible at Argyle Presbyterian Church. He was raised in a Bible-taught home in Greenville, SC, moved to St. Louis, MO to go to seminary, where he met his wife Corinne. He took some time after seminary to work with his hands building decks and fences before being called to the northeast. Bryan will take us on his trek through his changing attitude towards the Bible over the course of growth and personal tragedy.
Each Sunday evening in March Coila Church will be hosting speakers that will take us on their personal journey. They will share with us the particular events and experiences that directed the paths their lives have taken.
This event is open to the public, bring a friend, come as you are. There will be time after to meet the speaker and enjoy some light refreshment.
Jan 25, 2025, 8 AM
Pawlet Public Library: Knit Happens!Jan 30, 2025, 3 to 5 PM
St. James Free Community DinnerJan 31, 2025, 5 to 7 PM