7:00 PM 130 Brook Road, Municipal Office
Pledge allegiance.
Clerk brings organizational meeting to order.
Motion and second to appoint chairman.
Motion and second to appoint Road Commissioner and alternate.
Motion and second to appoint Selectman and alternate to sign warrants and checks.
Motion and second to appoint Vice Chairman.
Motion and second to appoint Selectman to take minutes at special meetings.
Motion and second to set regular Selectmen's meeting day, time and place.
Motion and second to designate places for posting of agendas.
Motion and second to designate a publication to use for advertising.
Review and approve previous meeting minutes of February 8, 2018.
Planning Commission presentation.
Road Commissioner report.
Review and appoint Selectman to sign easement deed under Cascades Road.
Approve fleet permits for Belden Company, Proctor Gas, Herrmann Construction, United Natural Foods.
Review High Risk Rural Road agreement for Baker Brook.
Treasurer's report.
Should the Town post asking for volunteers to fill the Two - three year terms on Planning commission? These are appointed positions-not elected.
Should the Town post asking for voters interested in being appointed as Lister until the March, 2019 election.
Should the Town post asking for a volunteer to fill the 911 Coordinator position. This is an appointed position-not elected.
Other business.
Public comment.