Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!

Past event
Mar 6, 2018, 9 AM to 7 PM

A friendly reminder that Tuesday is your day to turn up for West Windsor. Whether or not in favor of the school district merger, please let your decision be made known by stepping inside that voting booth on Tuesday.

Poll hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Merger discussion will NOT take place during Town Meeting, but school budget for 2019 discussion will.

Votes regarding the school district merger will be cast in person, in a booth, NOT from the floor of Town Meeting. Votes regarding the 2019 school budget WILL be conducted from the floor of Town Meeting.

If there’s a chance you will not make it to the polls on Tuesday, please consider stopping by the town hall on Monday to submit an absentee/early ballot. *All votes will be counted.*

Please turn up for West Windsor. If you think this issue does not affect you because you don’t have children in our school system, you are wrong. This decision affects every person in West Windsor— and it will affect our future as a town. Please come and put your two cents on paper.

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